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You Are Never Alone

I wanted to share a nugget that I read this weekend by Neale Walsch that serves as the perfect reminder for those of us who often feel alone during the holidays because a loved one is no longer with us. While everyone is full of cheer during the holidays, if you've ever lost a loved one, you know how difficult the holidays can be - regardless of the amount of time that has passed since their transition.

I hope this brings you comfort during this holiday time as it has brought comfort to me. 


"I believe God wants you to know that you are part of a Larger Whole, and you are never, ever alone.

It is temping, during difficult times, to feel very much alone, as if you are taking this journey in solo form, with no one at your side, and no one on your side.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are an aspect of The Divine. God lives in you, through you. "I am with you always, even unto the end of time" are not just pretty words. They are truth."


So please remember, you may sometimes feel lonely but you are NEVER alone! 

Enjoy your week! 😘

 EXOSymbols for your classy paraphernalia needs.

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